Friday, 7 March 2014

2014 January-March

Meet Joe!
Yes I have gone electrified! 
These past few months have been a bit of a blur.  January Sam, Steve and I were busy rehearsing the songs as a trio without lead guitar.  All of songs are written acoustically anyway so it has make the transition a little easier.  The sets have become a lot more diverse and interesting for the listener and for us as performers!  We've been adding in tunes that have sat in my back catalogue for far too long and having some fun with them too.
Steve has been switching from electric bass to double bass to acoustic guitar and brought a melodica to rehearsals  this week that we've added on one song. 
Sam has been perfecting his bespoke portable mini drum kit... it's a work in progress but already become a bit of a talking point at the gigs.  I just hope he has room for his cowbell... you can never have enough cowbell!
... and I haven't been let off lightly either...  I may have to invest in a replacement to my 1998 Argos bargain Yamaha keyboard that's served me well for recording but don't think it's going to make it through gigging!  Plus Sam and Steve are expecting some simple lead electric guitar solo's from me in the not too distant future... yikes!!!   I may need a few more of these things!!! --------->

A few highlights

We really couldn't have wished for a better start to the gigging year... 
Iron Horse Ranch House in the riverside town of Market Deeping, Lincolnshire.
Packed house right up until closing... it was a really good night!
Then we were back to be part of our favourite Wednesday show... The Boat House, Cambridge!  Again, a great, friendly crowd, a fun night, it always is.  Sam, Steve and I have all agreed we will try and return regularly this year.


The guys and myself popped in on Sue Marchants' show on BBC Radio to perform a couple of live tunes and talk about chip butties, cosmic wonders and cafetiere cosies... you never quite know what's going to happen on Sue's show!  Amazing lady, her passion for music is contagious!


Debut solo album 'Breathe'

Press releases are out next week with an official release date of Monday May 12th
So after nearly 2 years it's done!  'Breathe' will soon be in the hands of bloggers, music reviewers, radio presenters  and music magazine bods all to have their say... frightening huh?!? 
Thanks to Radio Caroline, BBC Radio (Sue Marchant) and all the community and digital radio stations around the world that have already aired a few tunes over the past week.  To a handful of you guys too that have already purchased a sneaky pre-release copy... many many thanks. ~x~
So, the initial reaction has been...
'9 Fantastic tracks taken from Lexie’s back catalogue shows her growing confidence in writing and singing her own songs and A Breath of Creative Fresh Air and an Exciting adventure that I hope you will enjoy.'
Exit Pursued By The Blues
'Your new album is lovely!'
Happy album owner #1
'Love the cd - it hasn't been out of the player in the car since Saturday!'
Happy album owner #2
Betty's Car.... just WOW.  That was my favourite, along with Breathe and Eager Child. The whole CD has a feel to it, something dreamlike and thoughtful - it's brilliant.
Happy album owner #3

... the NEXT album??!!  ...already??!!

Yep... half way through the follow up album to 'Breathe' titled 'Good Morning America'.  This time I'm back to my love and comfort zone of all things Americana, Rock, Blues and maybe a pinch of Jazz!!!   'smooooth' :)   I promise this time you will not have to wait another 4 years for this release... everything is aimed at a late 2014! 
Here's a live video of a performance back in July 2013 of the title track 'Good Morning America'
There's a few more shows lined up before March is out... do check the gig diary over at;
It's added to regularly as I'm often asked to perform up to a week before an event. 
I'm looking forward to a spring of great shows.  Very excited to be guest appearance for John Wheeler (Hayseed Dixie frontman) in April, back to The Angel Inn and Kontra Rootz in June and lots of new festivals a venues from Essex to Norfolk booked in.  I hope there's one near you... if not let us know a great original music loving venue near you and we'll do our best to come to you!